Lumbago Pain Treatment

a man having acute pain in the back

Low back pain is a common pain, so common that most of us have experienced it at one point in our adult life. Since the lumbar area is crucial to our daily lives, low back pain can have a significant effect on them.

Low back pain (LBP), also known as lumbago, lumbar back pain or lumbar backache. LBP can be chronic or acute. Chronic low back pain is chronic pain, defined as low back pain lasting for over 12 weeks, while pain that lasts less than 6 weeks is referred to as acute low back pain.

Lower back pain can be the result of different conditions affecting different parts of the lower back such as the lumbar spine, intervertebral discs, ligaments, muscles and more. As a result, there are different lumbago pain treatments, depending on various factors such as the underlying cause, severity of pain, age and more.

Low back anatomy

The spinal cord is within the vertebrae of the spine. The human spine has four sections of vertebrae: cervical (neck), thoracic (upper and middle back), lumbar (lower back), and sacrum (tailbone). The lumbar and sacrum are part of the lower back region.

The low back has a complex anatomy. It consists of five vertebrae in the lower back, intervertebral discs that function like pads between each of the vertebrae, tendons, ligaments around the spine and discs that attach bones to bones, and muscles of the low back. The muscles of the low back work together with other muscles especially the transverse abdominal muscles, as well as muscles of the pelvic floor.

The low back serves important functions in our bodies, including structural support, movement, and protection of certain body tissues. When we stand, the lumbar spine bears a large part of the body’s weight.

a man having acute pain in the back
a man having acute pain in the back

Causes for lower back pain

Lower back pain can have various causes. Although the pain is often the result of mechanical problems such as muscle strain or spasm, it’s not always easy to pinpoint the cause of lumbago.

Risk factors for LBP include many of our normal activities, mainly the overuse or improper use of the lower back by physical labor or extreme effort, such as lifting something heavy like luggage and causing strains due to stretch or tear in the muscles and ligaments in the back. Strains may also be caused by movements, such as throwing something or twisting the back during athletic activity. Lumbago can also be the result of repetitive motions involving the lower back, such as bending. Acute and chronic lumbar strain can cause lower back discomfort, dull pain or sharp pain.

Activities such as lifting or twisting the back may also result in disc injury. This occurs when the outside of the disc tears or herniates, causing material from the disc to extend outside and compress against nerve roots. When a herniated disc presses on the sciatic nerve, the condition is called sciatica, a common cause for lower back pain.

Other causes include spinal stenosis, conditions that cause abnormal curvatures in the spine, such as scoliosis, and other conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer and others.

Looking at gender-specific causes, lower back pain causes in female can be the result of menstruation or pregnancy. Lower back pain during your period is common among women. As for lumbago during pregnancy, it isn’t surprising as carrying makes women gain weight and shift their center of gravity, often resulting in lower back pain. Other lower back pain causes in female are conditions such as ovarian cancer.

Lumbago treatments

There are different lumbago pain treatments available, depending on different factors and the diagnosis.

The treatment of the common lumbosacral pain caused by lumbar strain consists of rest for the back, local heat therapy, pain medication, and sometimes massage and back pain exercises. In other cases, the treatment varies and ranges from surgery to medications and injections, as well as to alleviate the pain with heat, rest, and exercise.

Lower back pain treatment at home

Here are some at-home lower back pain treatments that in many cases will alleviate the pain and enable healing:

  1. Rest. Avoiding activities that worsen the pain and activities that cause significant discomfort may offer lower back pain relief.
  2. Ice and Heat. It’s generally recommended to try heat and cold therapy for pain relief during the first 48 to 72 hours after lower back pain begins. When faced with new injury, it’s usually advised to start with cold therapy, then apply heat. When using ice packs or heat, be careful not to apply it directly to your skin.
  3. Pain relief medications. To reduce lower back pain, some over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, may prove to be helpful. Sometimes, stronger prescription drugs are recommended. Keep in mind that lower back pain drugs can alleviate pain and improve function, but they are not designed to address the source of the pain, and should be viewed as short-time relief rather than long term solution.
  4. Exercises. Lower back pain exercises can be performed at home, and it’s advisable to see a physical therapist or a doctor to learn more about what’s right for your pain. Exercises help strengthen muscles and stretch them, which may help alleviate pain. They can also help with range of motion and functionality. Some lower back pain exercises your can try are: Partial crunches for core strengthening, walls sits with flat spine and slightly bent knees, press up back extensions, bridges to strengthen different body parts that support your back, such as glutes, hamstrings, abdomen and hips.
  5. Create changes. Depending on the cause of the pain, applying various changes to your life may prove to be helpful. For examply, lower back pain may be the result of incorrect posture that can be improved. This applies to your posture standing, sitting and lying down. For sitting, factors such as the height of your computer monitor, whether too high or too low, can affect posture. Your workstation may affect your lower back pain in other ways, especially if you work at a desk all day. Your chair should be the in proper height, where your feet rest flat on the floor and the back rest supports your back. As part of the change, try to get up frequently and take breaks for moving around. As for sleeping, find a good sleeping position and sleep on a mattress that is not too soft.
  6. Lower back pain relief products. For lower back pain treatment at home, a range of lower back pain relief products can prove highly effective, Noninvasive, safe technologies such as heat application and radio frequency (RF) technology are used for pain relief in medical settings. As technologies advance, there are more options for lower back pain treatment at home, using medical grade technologies. Such lower back pain relief products are painless, noninvasive and don’t involve the use of medications.

Home-use pain management devices use radio frequency (RF) in combination with other technologies such as infrared (IR) and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). Solio Alfa Plus is the first pain management device that treats pain using these 3 energy sources, and the first RF pain management device to be FDA-cleared for pain relief. The different wavelengths and bipolar RF stimulate the affected area and create an optimal healing environment that accelerates tissue regeneration and reduces muscle aches, inflammation, stiffness, and pain.

Lumbago Prevention

There are many ways to help prevent lumbago, depending on the cause of pain. Prevention may also help lessen the severity of pain.

Prevention involves strengthening the muscles in your abdomen and back through exercising. Also, avoid lifting items that are too heavy, and when you do lift items, do it bending the knees and lifting with the legs.


Don’t just accept pain. Choose to alleviate it using one of the many options available today. Lumbago relief can be found through consulting with medical professionals as well as taking advantage of lower back pain treatment at home. In addition to the other benefits, reducing pain in itself helps recovery and allows you to live life to its fullest.

Solio Alfa Plus is a new device for chronic pain treatment, offering new pain relief technology for a wider variety of needs through the patented synergy of 3 energy sources, each directed at a different depth within the body, therefore generating more healing and pain relief processes.

Solio Alfa’s benefits:

  • FDA cleared for pain relief
  • 100% natural – no drugs, no surgery
  • Non-invasive and painless
  • Safe and no side effects
  • Easy-to-use
  • Portable
  • Suitable for all ages

4 thoughts on “Lumbago Pain Treatment

  1. Stella Mary says:

    Very helpful information. So many things to learn from this post regarding sciatica, chronic pain, acute pain. What are the causes, home remedies, exercises and much more to learn. Thank you for the knowledge transfer.

  2. Avi Heinisch says:

    Dear Sirs,
    I could not find the FDA clearance for your Solio device. Please send me the FDA document. I am a private customer.

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