Cervical disc pain: Everything you wanted to know

We are not always aware of its importance in our movement until it starts hurting. Yes, we are talking about the cervical disc – that cartilaginous tissue that resembles a ring.

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We are not always aware of its importance in our movement until it starts hurting. Yes, we are talking about the cervical disc – that cartilaginous tissue that resembles a ring.
As you may already know, cervical discs are located atop each other, throughout the vertebrae of the spine. The discs are designed to provide flexibility and to reduce shocks in the spine in our daily lives. Because the neck is the most mobile part of the spine, it is also at greater risk of suffering damage or injuries.

Bulging discs in the neck – what causes them?

Bulging discs happen when the gelatinous structure of the disc is pushed toward the spinal canal. Sometimes, this distortion will cause nervous pressure and pain. These situations can be due to a wide variety of factors like a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture from using the computer for long periods of time, and of course, injuries such as sports or motor accidents.

What do bulging discs feel like?

Contrary to popular belief, bulging discs rarely cause any pain. In fact, the pain that you may feel only occurs when the bulging disc exerts pressure on nerve roots.
This type of nerve pain can be confined to just the neck or can extend up towards the head or down towards the shoulder blades. In some cases, you may even feel pain in your arms. The level of pain that bulging discs produce can range from minimal discomfort to unbearable pain with limited mobility.
Along with the pain, there may sometimes be a feeling of weakness in the upper extremities and stabbing or shooting pain in various parts of the torso.

How are bulging discs diagnosed?

In addition to a physical examination conducted by the orthopedist, he will ask you about your lifestyle and medical history. If necessary, your doctor will order imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs. The purpose of these tests is not only to locate the bulging disc but also to rule out diseases with similar symptoms such as infections.

What is the difference between a bulging disc and a ruptured disc?

A bulged disc may be the first (and sometimes only) step needed to cause a disk rupture, which is a more severe condition where most of the disk fibers tear.

How is bulging disc pain treated? Will Solio’s technology help?

The type of treatment you receive is directly related to your level of pain. Usually, painkillers and physical therapy will be the first line of treatment. The physiotherapist will teach you to do exercises designed to strengthen the muscles in the neck. In extreme situations or during severe exacerbations, surgical interventions designed to remove the part of the disc that protrudes and exerts pressure on the spinal canal can be considered.
Neck pain is a real opportunity to experiment with advanced at-home pain relief technologies like “Solio,” one of the leaders in its field. The lightweight, easy-to-use device holds three types of healing energy, including radio waves that allow for tissue penetration.
Solio is designed to provide pain relief for a wide variety of pains (but not all of them, of course. Please refer to the Consumer Newsletter or information on this site to find out more). Patients report that they can feel the healing effects thanks to the pleasant warmth that penetrates to the depth of the painful limb.

How is cervical disc protrusion pain treated with “Solio Alfa Cure Plus”?

The treatment area for the neck is from the lower hairline to the shoulder blade line.

Method of treatment: apply a thin layer of gel on the device, place on the neck and start sliding the device over the entire treatment area shown in the picture for 15-20 minutes once a day. Treatment with the device at level 3 (you must watch the instructional video before using the device for the first time). If excessive heat is felt during the treatment, the treatment area can be slightly increased so that the heat is distributed over a larger area. It is necessary to keep treatment up once a day in order to benefit from the optimal result from the treatment.   Do not stand still in one place. Maintain slow constant movements during the entire duration of the treatment.


In the neck area, it is highly recommended to have someone else help you, so the neck is relaxed during treatment, ensuring significantly higher effectiveness of the treatment. 

In cases where there is a suspicion of radiation of pain from the neck to other areas, we recommend not to treat the irradiated areas but to perform at least 5 treatments on the neck and then you will be able to know if the pain in the irradiated areas has decreased. If the pain has decreased, there is no need to treat it, but continue to treat the neck until the pain subsides


how to treat cervical disc protrusion  with solio

Coordination of expectations: in the neck area you will feel relief after as little as 4-7 treatments. Treatment should be continued until the pain is reduced.

It is also important to take care to rest the neck area during the treatment days and to avoid overstraining the area.

Do not use the “Solio Alfa Cure” device to treat the following areas: the head, the face, or the front / side of the neck in the area of the thyroid glands.

How to avoid bulging discs in the future

As we mentioned before, the Physical Therapy Institute will provide you with a variety of neck muscle strengthening exercises designed for your specific condition. Additionally, experts will advise you on how to change your workspace to minimize pain, depending on your profession.

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Ratings and Reviews
See how Solio can help cervical disc pain

90% of 100

Emma J.
I live in: Chicago, Illinois
Have been using Solio for: 2 weeks
Age: 27

So far it has worked wonders on my cervical disc pain

90% of 100

Claire Gilbert

Lives in: California

I have been using Solio for: 4 weeks

Age: 60+

Terrible neck pain diagnosed as a bulging disc. My pain is not limited to my neck but rather radiates to my shoulders and sometimes my arms. So far, I have used this specifically for the cervical disc pain.  It works really well with pain and to loosen up the neck. My only issue is with the length of the cord. In terms of pain relief, I recommend it for home therapy.

100% of 100

Ben Wilson

Lives in: Boston, Massachusetts

Have been using Solio for: 8 weeks

Age: 55

SOLIO is an incredible machine. I have been using it every night for weeks now. It’s helping my cervical disc pain and my wife’s chronic low back pain. It penetrates the body to heal it and it’s FDA-approved.

95% of 95

Emily Ryan

Lives in: New York

Have been using Solio for: 3 weeks

Age: —

Got this advanced device due to a lot of neck pain because of a bulging disc in my neck as well as shoulder pain. I received the unit in a nice package, easy and ready to operate. I found about their unique radio wave technology that penetrates the body without causing pain. I used it for several hours altogether and my pain has improved. I’m almost pain free.

100% of 100

Matthew J.

Lives in: Louisville, Kentucky

Have been using Solio for:  1 week

Age: 30

This device is wonderful. I did a lot of research prior to my purchase and made sure it’s FDA-approved. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also approved in the EU. I’ve been using it for pain in my neck caused by a bulging disc and have noticed a big improvement. I was so impressed that I have already recommended this to a couple of friends.

Doctor Testimonials

"I am familiar with the use of LLLT, LED and Bi-polar RF energies for a wide range of applications, especially in indications where reduction of inflammation and stimulation of healing are required. Therefore, I was not surprised when I came across the same combination of energies utilized for pain reduction and healing in Solio Alfa Plus – a self- treatment device. I recommended Solio Alfa Plus to some of my patients, as part of their post-surgery recovery regimen. All the patients who used Solio Alfa Plus reported smoother healing and shorter downtime following surgery."Stephen Mulholland, M.D. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, SpaMedica, Toronto, Canada

"I tried Solio Alfa Plus on a number of patients who are actively involved in sports and in tennis for the treatment of Tennis elbow(/lower back/neck). I was so impressed with the results that I decided to let all of my patients with complaints about pain try it too instead of various topical creams/drugs that I prescribe to them. Most of these patients experienced marked reduction of pain, and their healing time reduced significantly. They all reported that the device was very easy to use, and none of them reported side effects or adverse reactions."*Tina S. Alster, M.D.Director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center

"In my dermatology practice, patients come to me with many different skin problems and resulting pains. As it happens, medications, be they topical, ingested or injected, are not always the best way to proceed, due to a particular patient’s allergies, or possible bad reactions, side effects, or any number of other reasons. In those cases, my patients have had very positive results after using Solio Alfa Plus therapy for alleviating various forms of topical skin pains. The device can also be used in conjunction with medications since it can assist the healing process and speed up pain relief. Because this device produces 3 energies - LLLT, IR and Bi-polar RF, it can target problems on the surface of the skin, as well as all the way down to the dermis layer of the skin, which means that Solio Alfa Plus is applicable to many of the problems that my patients suffer from". Judith Hellman MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Mt Sinai Hospital, NY, USA