Fibromyalgia: Everything you wanted to know

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread, long-term pain. Unfortunately, it is a chronic condition that has no cure. The good news is there are ways to alleviate pain and improve quality of life. A new home-use device offers hope to fibromyalgia patients thanks to the synergy of 3 potent energy sources: RF, LLLT, and IR that penetrate into deep tissue layers. The innovative device, Solio Alfa Plus, is effective, safe to use, and FDA-cleared.  

Doctor - Solio FDA cleared

Fibromyalgia: Overview

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain that does not go away. Other symptoms include extreme localized sensitivity, fatigue, and sleep problems. Mood, memory, and other issues are also prevalent.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, and symptoms can wax and wane in severity. During a fibromyalgia flare-up, constant pain may impair patients’ lives. During remissions, pain is reduced and sometimes completely disappears.

Fibromyalgia causes

The cause of the disorder is still unknown. However, symptoms may begin after a physical or emotional trauma event. Physical triggers include a trauma (for example, following a car accident), surgery, or infection. Psychological stress may also result in fibromyalgia symptoms. Yet, in some cases, fibromyalgia pain develops over time with no single trigger.

Fibromyalgia risk factors include family history. If a close family member has fibromyalgia, the likelihood of you having it is greater, indicating genetics may play a role.

Fibromyalgia symptoms: What does fibromyalgia feel like?

Fibromyalgia patients experience chronic pain (that lasts more than 3 months) all over the body (with no clear source of pain). The widespread pain exists on both sides of the body, above the waist and below it. Many describe the pain as dull and deep, but this is not always the case.

Fatigue is a common symptom, even after a long rest. The pain affects sleep quality, and many patients report disrupted sleep and other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea.

Fibromyalgia also results in cognitive difficulties, a symptom referred to as “fibro fog”. The fog causes concentration, memory, and cognitive issues.

Other common health issues for people with fibromyalgia are lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines and headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, anxiety and depression.

How common is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a common condition. It is estimated that around 2% of the adult population has it, whereas others believe it is much more common.   Women are more likely than men to have fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia diagnosis

Fibromyalgia diagnosis is done by a physical examination and comprehensive questioning about the patient’s history, symptoms, location of pain in the body, the intensity of pain and duration.

Usually, pain appears all over for a period of over 3 months. Doctors divide the body into five zones and look for pain in four out of the five. In the past, diagnosis involved applying pressure on 18 tender points.

It is difficult to diagnose fibromyalgia from other rheumatological illnesses. Currently, it cannot be diagnosed through imaging (MRI, X-rays, etc.) or lab tests (blood, urine). Therefore, patients go through a panel of tests and ruling out other issues. If tests show no sign of inflammation or another rheumatological disease, it is probably fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia risks: Can fibromyalgia be dangerous?

Fibromyalgia is not life threatening, does not lead to permanent damage and is not progressive. It is a long-term disorder characterized mainly by musculoskeletal pain and tenderness all over. It is recommended to see a doctor to rule out other illnesses or conditions. Also, if other symptoms appear, see a doctor to reevaluate the diagnosis.

Fibromyalgia treatment: How do you treat fibromyalgia?

While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, treatment strategy involves a combination of treatments that can help control symptoms and alleviate pain. To help control symptoms with medications, patients usually use pain relievers and anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications. Other treatments aim to assist in alleviating symptoms, improving overall health and quality of life.

With chronic conditions, self-care is crucial. One of the most effective strategies for fibromyalgia pain relief is extremely simple: heat. Heat creates an optimal healing environment that reduces muscle aches, stiffness, and pain. Heat is recognized as an effective treatment for fibromyalgia pain, and deep heat with the Solio device is more effective than any external heat source.

Solio is a home-use device for self-care that features advanced 3-E pain relief technology. Solio is a highly effective device that uses three different energy sources: Bi-polar radiofrequency (RF), infra-red (IR), and LLLT. Solio Alfa Plus is the only device of its kind to feature RF technology, offered in pain clinics and medical settings, for home use. RF energy penetrates deep and reaches the muscles and joints, creates heat and offers pain relief for fibromyalgia and other aches (please read the information on this website and the user manual for instructions of use and contraindications before using Solio Alfa Plus).

Solio is easy-to-use and self-administered in the comfort of your home, whenever you need it. It is an excellent solution for a wide range of conditions, including chronic or ongoing pain, acute pain and trauma, and everyday aches. It is safe, and in fact, it is the first RF pain management device to be FDA-cleared for pain relief.

Fibromyalgia treatment: Solio Alfa Plus

Fibromyalgia pain is often widespread. In this case, you can treat one painful area and move on to treat other body parts. Treat for 15-20 minutes per treatment area, 1-2 times daily by sliding the device above the affected area (but read the instructions and contraindications. Solio may not be used for headaches, toothache, jaw or genital pain).

Stop the pain now with Solio – the only pain-relieving radiofrequency technology device.

Don’t let the pain affect you!

Solio Alfa Plus
RF Pain Relief Device

Solio Alfa Plus - Pain Relief Device
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Customer Success Stories: Fibromyalgia Relief with Solio

See how Solio can help Fibromyalgia pain

90% of 100

Ella A.
Gender: Female
Have been using product for: 5 weeks

It took a long time for doctors to diagnose me with fibromyalgia. Once I got the diagnosis, I was on my computer in an effort to find ways to reduce my pain. I found Solio Alfa Plus online. I gave it a try, and I’m so happy I did! It delivers on its promise to offer pain relief when I need it and is drug-free.

90% of 100

Natalie W.
Gender: Female
Have been using product for: 20 weeks

I use this to help reduce and eliminate (sometimes, not always) my fibromyalgia pain. It definitely helps and I use it almost daily. My husband uses it as well for knee pain. It’s a great product and I highly recommend it.

100% of 100

Maria L.
Gender: Female
Have been using product for: 12 weeks

When you’re in pain, getting pain relief is priceless. This device has improved my life. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and this means that I have chronic pain all over and no cure. It’s up to me to find ways to relieve my pain or otherwise life would be too difficult. But I don’t want to take medications every day. I love the way I can sit at home and use it where it hurts and make the pain so much better. The one thing I don’t like is that to operate the unit I need to be next to an outlet.

95% of 95

Tom G.
Gender: Male
Have been using product for: 3 weeks

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia several years ago. I keep on looking for ways to self manage my condition. I decided to try Solio alfa plus because of the RF technology, which I previously believed was only available in clinics. This machine is really easy to use and effective.

100% of 100

Amy T.
Gender: Female
Have been using product for: 8 weeks

Recommended! Feels like devices that they used on me at the pain clinic. I debated whether to purchase it or not because of the price tag, but since they have a 60-day money back guarantee, I decided to give it a try. No way I’m sending it back. I have it in my bedroom and I can use it for pain whenever I need it. The only issue is that parts of your body are harder to reach and I ask my partner to help me. All in all, I recommend Solio for fibromyalgia pain relief.

100% of 100

Tara S.
Gender: Female
Have been using product for: 20 weeks

This device is small and I was not sure if it would hold up to its claim… But it did! I recommend it to anyone who needs pain relief from fibromyalgia. It’s drug free and effective, and in the long run it saved me money.

Doctor Testimonials

"I am familiar with the use of LLLT, LED and Bi-polar RF energies for a wide range of applications, especially in indications where reduction of inflammation and stimulation of healing are required. Therefore, I was not surprised when I came across the same combination of energies utilized for pain reduction and healing in Solio Alfa Plus – a self- treatment device. I recommended Solio Alfa Plus to some of my patients, as part of their post-surgery recovery regimen. All the patients who used Solio Alfa Plus reported smoother healing and shorter downtime following surgery."Stephen Mulholland, M.D. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, SpaMedica, Toronto, Canada

"I tried Solio Alfa Plus on a number of patients who are actively involved in sports and in tennis for the treatment of Tennis elbow(/lower back/neck). I was so impressed with the results that I decided to let all of my patients with complaints about pain try it too instead of various topical creams/drugs that I prescribe to them. Most of these patients experienced marked reduction of pain, and their healing time reduced significantly. They all reported that the device was very easy to use, and none of them reported side effects or adverse reactions."*Tina S. Alster, M.D.Director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center

"In my dermatology practice, patients come to me with many different skin problems and resulting pains. As it happens, medications, be they topical, ingested or injected, are not always the best way to proceed, due to a particular patient’s allergies, or possible bad reactions, side effects, or any number of other reasons. In those cases, my patients have had very positive results after using Solio Alfa Plus therapy for alleviating various forms of topical skin pains. The device can also be used in conjunction with medications since it can assist the healing process and speed up pain relief. Because this device produces 3 energies - LLLT, IR and Bi-polar RF, it can target problems on the surface of the skin, as well as all the way down to the dermis layer of the skin, which means that Solio Alfa Plus is applicable to many of the problems that my patients suffer from". Judith Hellman MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Mt Sinai Hospital, NY, USA