Frozen shoulder: All you wanted to know

The shoulder is a large and complex structure made up of several joints. Because of its flexibility and range of motion, the shoulder can be easily injured. Adhesive capsulitis, commonly known as “frozen shoulder,” is a condition that causes stiffness, pain, and limited mobility. Keep reading to find out how frozen shoulder is diagnosed and what you can do to treat it.

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Short and easy: everything you wanted to know about “frozen shoulder” pain

The shoulder a highly complex structure. It is the place where the muscles of the back and arm meet together with an abundance of tendons, muscles, and ligaments, as well as three important bones – the scapula, the clavicle, and the arm bone.
Because of its complexity, it is not surprising that this joint is susceptible to various kinds of injuries. The name “frozen shoulder” is a common inflammatory syndrome that is accompanied by considerable pain and discomfort. However, this condition usually goes away on its own after some time.

What causes frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder syndrome appears unexpectedly, and its causes are unknown. What is known is that you have a higher risk of having a syndrome if your medical history includes thyroid problems, diabetes, heart problems, and previous shoulder injuries.

What does frozen shoulder feel like?

The sensation can range from mild discomfort to very severe pain, both during movement and during rest.
In most cases, frozen shoulder syndrome has three distinct stages:

  • Freezing or painful stage: non-focused pain, especially during movement or activity. The pain may slowly get worse or increase at night. This stage can last from 6 to 9 months.
  • Frozen stage: while pain may start to improve, stiffness gets worse, and the shoulder may become extremely hard to move. This stage can last anywhere between 4 to 12 months.
  • Thawing stage: your range of motion slowly goes back to normal. Pain may improve significantly but come back from time to time. This stage usually takes up to 2 years.

How common is frozen shoulder pain?

About 4-3 percent of people will suffer from frozen shoulder syndrome during their lifetime. Among the diabetic population, the number is about 25 percent higher.

How is frozen shoulder syndrome diagnosed?

A frozen shoulder diagnosis is not always straightforward, as it shares many of its symptoms with other shoulder conditions. Currently, there are no imaging tests that can indicate the presence of the syndrome, so the diagnosis is based on a physical examination of the patient and their medical history.

How long goes frozen shoulder lasts?

In many cases, frozen shoulder syndrome will go away on its own. In rare cases, the pain may last several years.

How is frozen shoulder treated? Can advanced technology help?

While the food news about frozen shoulder is that it usually goes away on its own, its long and painful stages can seriously impact your quality of life. The traditional way of alleviating frozen shoulder pain is with physical therapy, which will help you slowly gain your mobility back. Pain killers, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can also help. Depending on the severity of the pain, steroid injections may be needed.
Advanced pain relief technologies are an excellent alternative for relieving your shoulder pain from the comfort of your own home, and Solio is at the top of the list when it comes to at-home pain management. A user-friendly, lightweight device, Solio is the first of its kind to use radio wave technology to target pain directly. Solio is also designed to treat a wide variety of pain stemming from different sources (but not all of them, of course. Please refer to the Consumer Newsletter or the information found on this site to learn more).

How is frozen shoulder pain treated with “Solio Alfa Cure Plus”?

Pain in the shoulder and shoulder blade area may radiate from the neck area. In such cases, it is not necessary to treat the shoulder blades / shoulders, but only the neck area.

In the picture you can see a division into shoulder and shoulder blade treatment areas.

1 – Shoulder joint area

2 – Upper shoulder blade

3 – Lower shoulder blade


Method of treatment: apply a thin layer of gel on the device, place it on the area being treated and start sliding the device over the entire treatment area shown in the picture for 15-20 minutes once a day per area. Treatment with the device at level 3 (you must watch the instructional video before using the device for the first time). If you feel excessive heat during the treatment, you can slightly increase the treatment area so that the heat is distributed over a larger area.

It is necessary to keep treatment up once a day in order to benefit from the optimal result from the treatment. Do not stand still in one place. Use steady slow movements throughout the entire duration of the treatment.

Please note that the treatment time refers to one area only. Do not divide the treatment time over two or more areas because this will lessen the efficiency of the treatment.

how to treat shoulder pain

If the pain does not originate from the neck area, the shoulder or shoulder blade should be treated. There are a number of cases (especially in the shoulder area) in which the pain is felt in a certain area, while a different area needs to be treated.  For example, many people suffer from pain in the shoulder joint area (1) when the area that needs to be treated is the shoulder blade (2), in other cases, some people suffer from pain in the shoulder blade area (2) while the area that needs to be treated is the lower shoulder blade (3).

How do you know which area you need to treat? Start in the painful area (for example shoulder joint 1), perform at least 5 treatments. If you feel relief, continue treating the same area. If no relief is obtained after 5 treatments, move to the adjacent area (2).

If the pain comes from the direction of the shoulder blade, start in zone 2 and if there is no relief after 5 treatments, move to zone 3.

Another option is to be diagnosed by a professional physiotherapist who knows how to target the exact area for treatment. We work in cooperation with a large number of leading physiotherapy institutes in Israel and will always be happy to recommend a professional physiotherapist who can diagnose you (fees to be paid directly to the physiotherapy institute).

Coordination of expectations: once you locate the correct and most effective area of the treatment, you will feel relief after 3-6 treatments. Treatment should be continued until the pain is reduced.

It is also important to take care to rest the treated area during the treatment days and to avoid overload on the area


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Ratings and Reviews
See how Solio can help frozen shoulder pain

90% of 100


I live in: San Diego, California

Have been using Solio for: 8 weeks

Age: 55

I have a chronic frozen shoulder, with inflammation that causes me a lot of pain. I see professionals for my treatment, but I was also looking for a way to help myself and not only with pain relief medications! I debated whether to get Solio Alfa Plus because it’s not cheap. I did my research, and I liked the advanced technology. Turns out it was worth it! I have considerably less pain, I reduced the intake of pain relief pills, and I can even skip some of my appointments and in fact, save money. I am very happy with it.

90% of 100

Gilead Hemo

Lives in: South Florida

I have been using Solio for: 6 weeks

Age: 41

I like this machine. It’s very close or even equal to the relief I get at my physical therapist’s office, but it’s for home use and it’s portable. I’m especially thankful to have it during Covid-19.

100% of 100

Teresa Dawe

Lives in: Canada

Have been using Solio for: 4 weeks

Age: 63

I have a few issues due to an injury, including frozen shoulder syndrome, low back pain, and hip issue. This device helps me with all of them. I treat the painful areas in my body daily for the past month, and there’s a significant improvement. I highly recommend it to reduce your pain level.            

95% of 95

Ashley Johnson

Lives in: New York

Have been using Solio for: 2 weeks

Age: 57

I have stiffness and pain in my shoulder called frozen shoulder. My symptoms have become worse over time for the past few months. I hope to slowly recover, but my doctor explained that at this point he treats it as chronic pain. I looked into ways to make things better and luckily found this pain relief gadget. It helps relieve my pain and allows me a better quality of life. I do recommend.

Doctor Testimonials

"I am familiar with the use of LLLT, LED and Bi-polar RF energies for a wide range of applications, especially in indications where reduction of inflammation and stimulation of healing are required. Therefore, I was not surprised when I came across the same combination of energies utilized for pain reduction and healing in Solio Alfa Plus – a self- treatment device. I recommended Solio Alfa Plus to some of my patients, as part of their post-surgery recovery regimen. All the patients who used Solio Alfa Plus reported smoother healing and shorter downtime following surgery."Stephen Mulholland, M.D. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, SpaMedica, Toronto, Canada

"I tried Solio Alfa Plus on a number of patients who are actively involved in sports and in tennis for the treatment of Tennis elbow(/lower back/neck). I was so impressed with the results that I decided to let all of my patients with complaints about pain try it too instead of various topical creams/drugs that I prescribe to them. Most of these patients experienced marked reduction of pain, and their healing time reduced significantly. They all reported that the device was very easy to use, and none of them reported side effects or adverse reactions."*Tina S. Alster, M.D.Director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center

"In my dermatology practice, patients come to me with many different skin problems and resulting pains. As it happens, medications, be they topical, ingested or injected, are not always the best way to proceed, due to a particular patient’s allergies, or possible bad reactions, side effects, or any number of other reasons. In those cases, my patients have had very positive results after using Solio Alfa Plus therapy for alleviating various forms of topical skin pains. The device can also be used in conjunction with medications since it can assist the healing process and speed up pain relief. Because this device produces 3 energies - LLLT, IR and Bi-polar RF, it can target problems on the surface of the skin, as well as all the way down to the dermis layer of the skin, which means that Solio Alfa Plus is applicable to many of the problems that my patients suffer from". Judith Hellman MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Mt Sinai Hospital, NY, USA