Neck Pain: Everything you wanted to know

The neck is one of the most complex elements in our anatomical structure, and most importantly, it connects our head to our bodies. Over 20% of the population suffers from neck pain that interferes with their daily lives and impairs their mobility. So, what are the causes of neck pain, how is it diagnosed, and how can we treat it?

Doctors recommendations for soliotherapy to relife pain

Short and sweet

While not as celebrated as other organs in the body, the neck is one of the most complex elements in our anatomical structure. In the neck, where the chest is connected to the skull, the spinal cord runs down all from the brain stem to the low back. It is also home to the esophagus, the trachea, and the voice box.

What causes neck pain?

The neck muscles are designed, among other things, to help the head rotate. Because of this flexibility, this complex system is the subject of many complaints, injuries, and aches.
Generally speaking, the neck is often subjected to heavy burdens from our bad posture (ask those who are on the computer all day, but other conditions like spinal cord issues can cause neck pain.
Only a medical examination will rule out serious illnesses. Still, the good news is that in many cases, neck pain is relatively simple to treat, even without the need for physical therapy.

How common is neck pain?

A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 20 percent of people suffered from neck pain in the past three months before the study.

How is neck pain diagnosed?

After ruling out other problems such as cervical disc ruptures or multiple joint injuries, the most common diagnosis is muscle strain. Occasionally, your doctor will send you for x-rays or other imaging to rule out other problems.

How long does neck pain last?

The tension, which is due to muscle strain, can go away within a few days, but can also stay with you for a few weeks or more.

Can neck pain be dangerous?

If your neck pain is unbearable, you have a sharp stabbing sensation, or severe headaches, you should contact your doctor immediately.

How is neck pain treated? Will Solio’s advanced technology help?

In the case of neck pain, the most effective solution is to rest. But remember – resting doesn’t mean lying in bed all day, but rather keep moving but paying attention to what causes pain and what doesn’t. It’s also essential to correct our posture when we are working, standing, and driving.
Physical therapy exercises to correct your posture and strengthen your neck will also help. When working in front of a computer, multiple breaks, relaxation, and posture changes must be performed, along with the exercises.
Additionally, changing your workspace to ease tension from your back and neck is important, for example, adjusting your chair height to the height of your computer screen.
It is also advisable not to sleep on your belly, as this posture creates a strain on the neck muscles.
And this is an excellent opportunity to experiment with advanced pain relief technologies, most notably home appliances such as “Solio,” a lightweight, simple, and user-friendly device.
“Solio” is the only device that uses radio waves that allow for treatment and penetration into the tissue. Solio is designed to treat a very large variety of pains of various kinds arising from different sources (but not all of them, of course. Please refer to the Consumer Newsletter or the information found on this site for more information). When you use Solio, you will be able to feel the pain healing process thanks to the combination of technologies and the sense of warmth that penetrates deep inside your painful limb.

How to avoid neck pain in the future?

  • Pay close attention to your posture when working in front of a computer and change it occasionally.
  • Stretching (sideways, forwards and backward) and circular head turns must be performed at a slow and controlled time. Another exercise: lifting the shoulders up or bringing the neck closer to them.
  • During pain (and in general, if you have neck pain frequently), it is recommended to sleep with a special pillow for the neck.
  • If possible, treat yourself to a gentle neck massage with a professional.
  • Avoid activities such as sports when you are in pain.

How is herniated cervical disc pain treated with “Solio Alfa Cure Plus”?

The treatment area for the neck is from the lower hairline to the shoulder blade line.

Method of treatment: apply a thin layer of gel on the device, place on the neck and start sliding the device over the entire treatment area shown in the picture for 15-20 minutes once a day. Treatment with the device at level 3 (you must watch the instructional video before using the device for the first time). If excessive heat is felt during the treatment, the treatment area can be slightly increased so that the heat is distributed over a larger area. It is necessary to keep treatment up once a day in order to benefit from the optimal result from the treatment. Do not stand still in one place. Maintain slow constant movements during the entire duration of the treatment.

In the neck area, it is highly recommended to have someone else help you, so the neck is relaxed during treatment, ensuring significantly higher effectiveness of the treatment.

In cases where there is a suspicion of radiation of pain from the neck to other areas, we recommend not to treat the irradiated areas but to perform at least 5 treatments on the neck and then you will be able to know if the pain in the irradiated areas has decreased. If the pain has decreased, there is no need to treat it, but continue to treat the neck until the pain subsides.

how to treat cervical disc protrusion with solio

Coordination of expectations: in the neck area you will feel relief after as little as 4-7 treatments. Treatment should be continued until the pain is reduced.

It is also important to take care to rest the neck area during the treatment days and to avoid overstraining the area.

Do not use the “Solio Alfa Cure” device to treat the following areas: the head, the face, or the front / side of the neck in the area of the thyroid glands.

How to avoid ruptured discs?

When it comes to disc ruptures, prevention is the name of the game. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt healthier lifestyle habits like eating a healthy diet, losing weight if you need to, regular exercise, using ergonomic furniture at work, etc.

Stop the pain now with Solio – the only pain-relieving radio wave technology device.

Stop the pain now with Solio – the only pain-relieving radio wave technology device.

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RF Pain Relief Device

Solio Alfa Plus - Pain Relief Device
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Ratings and Reviews
See how Solio can help neck pain

90% of 100

Ben Jones

I live in: Tennessee

Have been using Solio for: 3 weeks

Age: 56

I purchased this device because of neck pain. It’s a sensitive area so I was careful to get something that is FDA-approved. I’m happy with how much pain relief I’m getting from it. I’ve been using it daily for about 20 min. and my neck is much better.

90% of 100

Charles Wilson

Lives in: London, UK

I have been using Solio for: 1 week

Age: 31

Great product for my neck pain, notice that you need a gel to use it.

100% of 100

Amy B.

Lives in: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Have been using Solio for: 1 week

Age: 53

I received my device on the date like promised. I have been using it for several days and so far, I’m happy with it. It’s extremely easy to understand and use. I am hoping it will help even more with my neck pain. I was going to physical therapy and they used a pain relief unit which I thought was helping. This is why I purchased this unit. Highly recommended!

95% of 95

Toni Garcia

Lives in: Houston, Texas

Have been using Solio for: weeks


This has been working great. I really like that it is simple and easy and lightweight. I have no issues. I can use it for longer than a session, although I usually don’t. No need for batteries and adhesive pads, like my other unit required. The unit has been performing well in gaining pain relief for my neck pain.

100% of 100

Richard Anderson

Lives in: New York

Have been using Solio for:  6 weeks

Age: 61

Yes, my issue is a pain in the neck ? I got the Solio Alfa Plus pain relief machine for its new technology and it has proven itself great for pain management. I appreciate gaining medical grade pain relief at home.

100% of 100

Elizabeth Cole

Lives in: L.A. California

Have been using Solio for:  4 weeks

Age: 67

I am thankful for this new home-use technology. According to the company, radio waves and laser penetrate into the body to treat different types of pain. I started using it on my neck, and it was helpful. I then started it on my knee as well. I’m impressed with the results.

Don’t hesitate, try this unit and I believe you won’t regret it!

Doctor Testimonials

"I am familiar with the use of LLLT, LED and Bi-polar RF energies for a wide range of applications, especially in indications where reduction of inflammation and stimulation of healing are required. Therefore, I was not surprised when I came across the same combination of energies utilized for pain reduction and healing in Solio Alfa Plus – a self- treatment device. I recommended Solio Alfa Plus to some of my patients, as part of their post-surgery recovery regimen. All the patients who used Solio Alfa Plus reported smoother healing and shorter downtime following surgery."Stephen Mulholland, M.D. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, SpaMedica, Toronto, Canada

"I tried Solio Alfa Plus on a number of patients who are actively involved in sports and in tennis for the treatment of Tennis elbow(/lower back/neck). I was so impressed with the results that I decided to let all of my patients with complaints about pain try it too instead of various topical creams/drugs that I prescribe to them. Most of these patients experienced marked reduction of pain, and their healing time reduced significantly. They all reported that the device was very easy to use, and none of them reported side effects or adverse reactions."*Tina S. Alster, M.D.Director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center

"In my dermatology practice, patients come to me with many different skin problems and resulting pains. As it happens, medications, be they topical, ingested or injected, are not always the best way to proceed, due to a particular patient’s allergies, or possible bad reactions, side effects, or any number of other reasons. In those cases, my patients have had very positive results after using Solio Alfa Plus therapy for alleviating various forms of topical skin pains. The device can also be used in conjunction with medications since it can assist the healing process and speed up pain relief. Because this device produces 3 energies - LLLT, IR and Bi-polar RF, it can target problems on the surface of the skin, as well as all the way down to the dermis layer of the skin, which means that Solio Alfa Plus is applicable to many of the problems that my patients suffer from". Judith Hellman MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Mt Sinai Hospital, NY, USA