Shin and thigh pain: Everything you wanted to know

Much of the pain in the shins and thigs can be due to strenuous activity, like high-impact sports, walking for too long, etc. These activities put a considerable load on the bone and can cause minor fractures.

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The shin, also called the tibia, is located in the front and side of the lower leg and it is the second-largest bone in the human body. The largest bone – the femur – in the human body is located right on top of the shin. These two areas are the culprits for much of the leg pain that we may experience during our lifetime.

What causes pain in the shins and hips?

Much of the pain in the shins can be due to strenuous activity, like high-impact sports, walking for too long, etc. These activities put a considerable load on the bone and can cause minor fractures.
The pain may arise both during and after the activity. But don’t think this only happens to runners – other sports such as basketball, tennis, and other activities that involve quick stops can also cause shin and calve injuries.
Excess weight or shoes that do not fit can cause pain in the calves. Other causes of pain in the calves: blood clots, arterial stenosis, infections, and more.
Most of the injuries around the hips happen as a result of tissue damage (in the thigh, or a nearby limb like the low back). Other causes may include conditions such as a ruptured lower back disc (with hip projection), tumors, infections, muscle hernia, arthritis, and more.

What does calf and thigh pain feel like?

Calf pain may be moderate and non-focused, but it increases as the load on the limb continues. In fact, if pain occurs initially during an activity, it is likely to continue when you are resting. Sometimes the pain will be accompanied by a slight swelling.

How is calf or hip pain diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask you about the nature, location, and intensity of the pain. They will also examine the area and try to decipher the source of the pain, which may be due to physical exertion or other reasons. In hip pain situations, you will be sent to get X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans, as well as laboratory tests to determine the source of the inflammation.

How is calf or hip pain diagnosed?

Before or after a comprehensive visual and physical examination to identify weaknesses, distortions, or limitations, the physician will try to determine the source of the problem by asking about the events that led to the pain.
Imaging tests such as X-ray, ultrasound, CT, and others will often be needed.

How are calf or hip pain treated? Can advanced technology Help?

Hip pain will require you 2 to 3-week rest period to keep it from getting worse. It’s important to note that you don’t need to become completely immobilized when you have a calf or hip pain; just avoid specific activities that cause pain and be more mindful of how you move. It is possible and desirable to continue with your daily routine. Cold compresses on a raised leg may also be helpful.
Much of the hip pain that’s not due to severe illness may subside on its own after a rest period and avoiding movements that cause pain. Your doctor may also prescribe pain medications or advise you go get physical therapy.
To expedite recovery, it is also recommended to use advanced at-home pain relief technologies like “Solio,” a lightweight, simple and user-friendly device. Unlike similar devices, “Solio” is the only one that operates on radio waves that allow treatment penetration of the tissue depth. Solio is designed to treat a variety of pain from different sources (but not all of them, of course. Please refer to the Consumer Newsletter or information on this site for more information). When you use Solio, you will feel pain healing process thanks to the combination of technologies and the sense of warmth that penetrates the depth of the thigh or hip.

How can I avoid thigh pain in the future?

Changing your workout routine to avoid painful exercises can help, and so do custom made insoles to correct your gait and posture. Seek professional help to build a tailored exercise program that can help you strengthen your leg muscles and avoid pain.

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Doctor Testimonials

"I am familiar with the use of LLLT, LED and Bi-polar RF energies for a wide range of applications, especially in indications where reduction of inflammation and stimulation of healing are required. Therefore, I was not surprised when I came across the same combination of energies utilized for pain reduction and healing in Solio Alfa Plus – a self- treatment device. I recommended Solio Alfa Plus to some of my patients, as part of their post-surgery recovery regimen. All the patients who used Solio Alfa Plus reported smoother healing and shorter downtime following surgery."Stephen Mulholland, M.D. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, SpaMedica, Toronto, Canada

"I tried Solio Alfa Plus on a number of patients who are actively involved in sports and in tennis for the treatment of Tennis elbow(/lower back/neck). I was so impressed with the results that I decided to let all of my patients with complaints about pain try it too instead of various topical creams/drugs that I prescribe to them. Most of these patients experienced marked reduction of pain, and their healing time reduced significantly. They all reported that the device was very easy to use, and none of them reported side effects or adverse reactions."*Tina S. Alster, M.D.Director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Georgetown University Medical Center

"In my dermatology practice, patients come to me with many different skin problems and resulting pains. As it happens, medications, be they topical, ingested or injected, are not always the best way to proceed, due to a particular patient’s allergies, or possible bad reactions, side effects, or any number of other reasons. In those cases, my patients have had very positive results after using Solio Alfa Plus therapy for alleviating various forms of topical skin pains. The device can also be used in conjunction with medications since it can assist the healing process and speed up pain relief. Because this device produces 3 energies - LLLT, IR and Bi-polar RF, it can target problems on the surface of the skin, as well as all the way down to the dermis layer of the skin, which means that Solio Alfa Plus is applicable to many of the problems that my patients suffer from". Judith Hellman MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Mt Sinai Hospital, NY, USA